Course curriculum

    1. A message from Christine

    2. Before we begin...

    1. BodyGraph for Note-Taking

    1. Your Essence - Definition & More

    2. Openness, Survival Strategies & Freedom

    3. 64 Gates - Portals to more of You!

    4. Conscious or Unconscious?

    5. Cosmic Imprinting

    6. Shortcutting Human Design

    7. Test your learning

    1. Innate Intelligence of the Body

    2. Contemplating the BodyGraph Orientation from the perspective of your BodyGraph

    3. BodyGraph to Body Orientation

    4. Introducing Strategy & Authority

    5. An Important Question & Six Shortcuts

    6. Shortcuts 1 & 2

    7. Shortcuts 3 & 4

    8. Shortcuts 5 & 6 and Farewell

    9. Test your learning

    1. More resources for you

    2. Before you go...

About this course

  • $27.00
  • 21 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Explore the BodyGraph here